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Intensives,  Workshops & Talks for Yoga Teachers & Students

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1- Energy Anatomy


- Mudra Vigyan: Healing through Yoga Mudras


Mudra Vigyan is the science of healing through Mudras (symbolic therapeutic hand positions). Each finger represents Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Ether. Touching upon the hundreds of nerve endings which influence the whole body at a cellular and atomic(energetic) level; this practice affects the body, mind & spirit of one's being, aids in healing, and can be an important aspect of yoga asanas.

This segment goes into the in-depth wisdom of ancient Yoga Mudras, Ritualistic, Therapeutic/Healing & Sacred dance mudras, and their therapeutic & healing usages. Amrita Choudhury guides you through various hand mudras in combination with eye, breath, & visualization techniques which aid in various physical, emotional & spiritual healing. Theory, technique, breathwork, practice, movement, all are incorporated in this class series. Special attention is given to how mudras can be incorporated in yoga practices & teachings.


- Introduction to Chakras & Nadis 


A comprehensive introduction to each of the seven chakras residing in the subtle body. This segment highlights the physical, biological, emotional, & energetic significance of each chakra. Participants will learn how to incorporate this ancient wisdom into some of their asanas & teaching practice. Both Sankrit & English terminology will be used to offer a complete view of the energetic chakra system from the ancient Indian Yogic perspective. Participants will also learn about how the flow of the Kundalini energy through each chakra affects the energetic and emotional body.


The human body is also known to have 72,000 nadis that help carry prana (energy) to each cell. Various asanas in combination with breathwork activates certain nadis. We will be exploring the main 3 Nadis : Ida, Pingala, and Sushmana, and how the cosmic force(Shakti) is able to travel through the spinal column through the nadis and unite with the Siva located in the crown chakra. This union at the energetic level, represents the grand union with one’s higher self.


- Introduction to the 5 Vayus 


In Sanskrit “Vayu” means “wind”. The ancient Yogi/Yoginis considered Prana (one’s life force energy) to have five different vayus or “flowing winds”. Each Vayu has special energetic qualities and functions. Out of the 49 Vayus, we will be exploring the 5 main Vayus (Pancha Prana), that yoga practitioners can incorporate into their yoga practices and teachings: Prana-Vayu, Apana-Vayu, Samana-Vayu, Udana-Vayu, and Vyana-Vayu.

- Introduction to the 3 Gunas 


In Ayurveda, the sister science of Yoga, Gunas or strands of life, weave us together to achieve a higher objective in this universe we reside in. Knowledge of the Sattva, Rajas, & Tamas Gunas, are particularly important for yoga practitioners to understand how they are able to shift their focus inward for each asana. Understanding these attributes, helps build the path that leads to Sattva – a state of serenity, balance, & contentment. This wisdom helps the practitioner incorporate this aspect within each asana.

2- Stories of the Asanas:

- Yoga Philosophy, Asana's & the stories behind them

Each Asana is considered a ritual (a puja) in flowing motion of life. Various stories from the Bhagavad Gita, The Mahabharata, Ramayana, The Vedas & Upanishads are behind the asanas. When one knows the true meaning and essence of each asana, then the asanas come alive & hence the Hatha Yoga practice becomes powerful. Bring each asana to life working from the inside, learn about the stories, philosophies, & practices that make up the asana to integrate a complete practice. 


3- Embodiment of Yoga, Teaching with Wisdom.

This is a special class specifically designed for Western Yoga students and teachers. Amrita discusses the ongoing conflict of cultural appropriation of yoga and highlights aspects of representation, equity, teaching with respect & wisdom, the importance of the native narrative, & general awareness of Yoga's history & evolution in India and in the West.

Teachers and students are offered valuable tools & knowledge to integrate into their existing Yoga teachings and practices. Amrita believes that one is able to respectfully continue the way they are teaching and practicing; by adding various traditional/Indigenous knowledge. The power of awareness & respect for the people & the culture's the practice comes from, Indian Yoga history, technique, Yoga philosophy, & also including the native narrative into their existing practice.


Topics of misrepresentations & misconceptions, used in Yoga practices will be highlighted. 

After working in this field for more than 30 years, Amrita has found herself to be one of the minority Indians who comes from ancient yoga lineages at various conferences, talks, & seminars. Her mission is always to bring this knowledge to practioners and teachers with compassion, empathy, respecting the tradition & it's people, & through the power of awareness. 

This class/workshop starts with honoring the wisdom of all ancestors, a special puja that takes us lovingly and compassionately into the wonderous world of Indian Yoga.




Amrita Choudhury brings more than 35 years of international teaching, choreography, & performance experience.


Born and brought up in India, her greatest inspirations were her late grandfather- a Shivaite priest, her grand-aunt Sri Anandamayi Ma, & temple yogini Sashimani Mahari. She was educated in the world renowned institution Patha-Bhavan, Santiniketan, where spirituality, the arts, culture, & education were harmoniously taught in outside classrooms surrounded by nature.


An award winning choreographer of The Prix Envol, Amrita has also been awarded grants by the Canada & Quebec Council of Arts. 

She has offered talks, workshops, & demonstrations/performances internationally at various Yoga conferences/studios, educational institutions, seminars internationally, including Ted Talks.

Amrita specializes in bringing the knowledge of sacred dance, Mudras, Mantras, Yoga philosophy & practice to Yoga Teacher Training programs. She is the founder of Nrityoga® (Yoga of Dance), a discipline that combines Raja, Bhakti, Gyana, Mantra, Hatha, Tantra philosophies with ancient Yogic practices of meditation in motion.

She has been invited to offer specialized modules related to Yoga, Mudra Vigyan, Chakras, , Yoga philosophies, and energetic anatomy,  to various Yoga Teacher trainings and International conferences/festivals.


 Amrita is also the founder of Nrityoga® - Yoga of Dance, a discipline that incorporates ancient Yoga, Sacred Dance, Meditation, Mudra practice, with the philosophies of Raja, Bhakti, Tantra, Jnana, Hatha, Mantra, and various other yoga traditions.


She has also worked with the McGill University medical faculty, hospitals, psychotherapists, and other health workers to help incorporate Yoga/sacred arts practices, therapeutic mudra meditation, and healing breathwork (pranayama).

Amrita holds a degree in Anthropology, is a Registered Yoga Teacher, and is a respected Yoga-dance researcher,  and teacher. 


Amrita has made her home in Montreal, Canada and continues to travel throughout Europe, Asia, South America, North America offering workshops, talks, & performances.

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